Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

taco bell

so im sitting eating taco bell with a big glass of milk
and drinking the milk after eating the soft shell taco supreme with hot sauce tastes so good. good to the point that i wonder why they sell stuff like cherry pepsi and mountain dew when all they actually need is milk. really good cold milk. its delicious. and for those who are lactose intolerant, i'm sure you know what youre missing because you had to find out you were intolerant somehow. i bet those were the most confusing moments of your life. the delicious taste of milk at the same time your throat is closing in on you and the life is draining from your eyes. s o w o r t h i t

got COMMON SENSE? then drink milk. then youll have milk
and when i ask got milk?
you can say YES

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

im growing a mullet

i'm stuck at home cuz of snow

it's snowing. hard. when i drove home from school my windshield fogged up and i had to guess if there were cars/intersections/old ladies in front of me. i think i did a pretty good job, although i'm not sure if i'd notice if i hit an old lady. they're sneaky like that, you know.

things you can say to your dentist but not your girlfriend:
if this is gonna be bad just knock me out first and then do it.
can i have the chocolate flavored stuff this time?
is it ok if my mom stays while we do this?
how much will this cost?
can you wipe the drool of my chin please?

if you're in the mood to make fun of someone, go to
if that doesn't make you laugh, you're probably the author.

Monday, February 2, 2009

aftuh college...

ill be coming back as this