Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010


so it's 60 degrees outside and im super happy about that because its officially the start of spring when i go outside and feel the ground radiating heat. that being said, if it goes back down to 30/40 degrees in a week, i will lose my shit. however, THAT being said, it's time to party because spring means everyone is losing clothes. and that means bikinis in the quad. and thats awesome. cuz theres also a volleyball court in the quad. so girls+bikinis+sweat=happy dan. simple math. unfortunately for my classes, good weather makes me forget all about the fact that I'm at school. but thats okay because exams are over and the next week of classes requires minimal work on my part. as a result, the current scene is me sitting at my desk, window opened blasting...lenny kravitz for some reason..itunes genius (it's american woman so its okay). it's based off of sugar ray so that kind of makes sense. kind of. anyway. hope everyone enjoys the weather while it lasts. im off to find something to do with this tennis ball i found in a hallway

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

its morning.

Seeing that my clock says 7:35 and not any other possible combination of those numbers, it has to be morning. Which sucks. Well I guess except 7:55. Which would be better actually no that would mean im late. Here I am sitting at my desk listening to lynyrd skynrd, which is way too hip for this early, eating my toast and not working. For the first time in a long time. A LONG FUCKING TIME. like, i cant stress how long its been since ive sat and not worked. i usually "not work" while in a strange or exotic pose, such as those found in karate kid. ohh tuesdays gone just came on. i have happy gilmore flashbacks every time i hear this song. its at the end when happy sees the ghost of the only guy that died in the film. who just happened to be black. so i was up lastnight studying for a midterm i have this morning and for midterms i have on thursday and friday, ignoring the one i have tomorrow at 8 in the morning along with the fact that i have a paper due at 1:00 which i havent startTHIS IS RUINING MY MORNING RELAXATION TOAST TIME

so spring break is coming up and i am super excited. whos excited? this guy. im even leaving a day early because airfare was cheaper on friday than saturday. my moms like can you leave im like hell yeahz. i was like that. just like that. almost.........too like that.... i digress pointlessly

i have 2 minutes to leave. i havent gotten dressed. maybe ill grace my econ professor with my flannel pants and class of 09 shirt. maybe ill even throw some uggs in there. you know what? im going to. and green sunglasses. im shakin things up around here. its time they get a taste of what I can dan russell....yeah thats all ive got. well its my name so its appropriate. ill add a spice to the end to make it sound exciting and fresh. dan russell jalapeno. except you have to say jalapeno like al pacino would say it as scarface. a dummed down version that sounds like he has a cold..."hallapenno" except with fervor and subtle hints of the possibility everyone in the room is on the verge of losing their lives. omg im late. whatever its review and ive got at least the first half of the semester down pat. like a pancake. i dont kno what that means. please dont judge you know what go ahead and judge me. go ahead. i dare you. i dont dare you. cuz then you might come to a conclusion i dont like and when i come back with full clarity of mind i wont remember this and ill be confused as to why you dont like me anymore. okay time to go