Sunday, August 29, 2010

day before classes

its the night before the first day of classes and I thought, "hey this would be a good time to write down my thoughts". So. This summer has been both long and short. Long in the sense that I've been out of school since the first week of May and short in the same sense that everyone else says its short- noone really wants to go back to classes. That being said, I am looking forward to having a bit of structure in my life, not to mention something to do. I've been really fidgety lately.
There have been ALOT of parties the last couple days. Unlike my position a year ago, I know people now and there isnt enough time to go to all the parties. This is a good thing. At the present moment, however, I have piles of books at my feet waiting to be opened tomorrow. Damn
This year I decided to feng shui the crap out of my room. Fortunately I killed two birds with one relatively inexpensive stone cuz really all i had to do was buy some deliciously smelling things at Target and Bed Bath and Kitchen (That's really all the beyond part is, really.) and candles. So while im extremely relaxed and drinking from the wine decanter that I also bought under the facade of being feng shui but really just because I've wanted a wine decanter since I read jack's parents Wine Enthusiast magazine, I can easily bring a hotass girl back and have an awesomely sexual evening. Boom. Beat that, martha stewart.
One shortfall of having candles in your room. actually two. one is it's illegal, and two, if you're leaving your room quickly and you blow out a macintosh spice yankee candle then grab your laptop forgetting there are still wires connected, you WILL knock the candle off your desk and you WILL spray hot, red wax all over your wall, dresser, and those fancy expensive headphones you bought just to enjoy and then take back before the return policy expires. the best part about that is that the building is new and at the end of the year they're gonna inspect my wall and think i killed someone. but i guess whats done is done
im still on the waitlist for yoga. but im going anyway.
im getting surprisingly good at cooking. ive actually looked up recipes- for example, the other day i found a delicious looking recipe for chicken, went to the STORE to pick up the ingredients i didnt have, then MADE IT and it tasted DELICIOUS. that being said itd be nice to have a servant/woman.