Thursday, January 29, 2009


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm bored and sassy

so i'm sitting here in the hallway. nothing to do. no one to do. it's quite boring. so i've decided to list a bunch of clubs i want to start but know i never will
1) marshmallow appreciation club, with a focus on inclusion in hot chocolate
2) smurf club
3) saltine aficionado club
4) PIIIWH (pronounced peeeeeeeeeee-u-wooooo), which stands for people i imagine i would hate, which is a club in which everyone looks at random pictures on the internet and decides which people they would probably hate
5) abstract pirate club, which consists of talking about pirate culture without ever saying the word pirate

no one names their kids darius anymore. seriously, what is going on? it's a perfectly legitimate name with no terribly awkward nicknames. i think someone should stand up for themselves and name their kid darius. or lotion.

Monday, January 26, 2009

more like global PARADOX

all this stuff about global warming cooling the earth. it makes sense but its just annoying. AND
they say
severe droughts and rising sea levels
let me get this straight
when the world gives us mORE? water, we seem to go blind and not see that thers water at our feet while were sitting on a porch in idaho. ohhh but thats SALT WATER then u know what we need to do? we need to stop worrying about stupid things like building more solar panels and prii (plural prius) and build a giant distillation factory. knock down manhattan cuz its just gonna get waterlogged anyway right? build a massive hotplate, evap that shit and send it to a bottling company or something so they can do wat they do best and put salt BACK INTO THE WATER

no but buy prii and be gas friendly. more for me.

SSS Episode 1- The Bathroom


sheshema!!!!!! loofpua gooper dooogle nubr kristiisstupid afjlhads FLOOOOOOOOP!!!!!! hahahahh! garfunkel durk nerftan lemur minx sphincter butt? jack is fat. wait isnt dan fat too? are they fat together or fat seperately? HAHAILIKETOLICKSPOONS

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What or who is this love?

copyright Haddaway. What Is Love. Coconut Records, 1992.

schl tmrwz

so guys schools up again tomorrow
ah-GAIN toomahrow
andi dont wanna go but thers no other way to get to the airheads in my locker
just wante to let u guys kno im thinking of you.
nighty night dont let those damn bugs bite its a bitch u have to buy cream and then get an exterminator it sucks just dont go down that road
im currently thinking about how much it would cost to have a fountain installed in my room
and how inconvenient it wuld be to have
but how awesome itd be at the same time
someone hold me

woah....old people should die

so jj, david, jake, jesse, and i were in this cheap chinese place. everything was going fine. FINE. then this old guy hobbles in and decides that our conversation is public. that's fine. he can listen all he wants. but no, that's not enough. he has to contribute as well. this guy looks like mr. burns for fuck's sake. why does he have to do this? so at this point jj was talking about how his dreamhouse is a cardboard box. except he was joking. as in, not serious. as in, he wasn't actually considering living in a fucking box when he's in his mid 40s. except mr. burns here thinks he's serious. so, in all seriousness, he starts ranting about how you can buy industrial sized boxes to live in or some shit and i'm having a tough time paying attention so it's even worse. so he keeps talking about other stuff, like how transformers are real except we're all too scared to admit it...or something. honestly i had no idea what he was talking about. which brings me to my main point: OLD PEOPLE NEED TO STOP BEING HERE. THEY NEED TO LEAVE. I DON'T CARE HOW. THEY JUST DO. that is all.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

blog.....sounds like egg nog

so this new fancy schmancy blog that jack set up
pretty cooool
but i have one complaint- when i ask it to send me food it doesnt work. im hungry. and you wouldnt like me when im hungry IS FB GONNA FIND ME AND SUE ME FOR INFRINGEMENT? NO. THEYRE NOT. CUZ GOOGLES COOL.
for those who dont know i was just kicked off of fb video for injected happiness into peoples lives. its a crime nowadays. like 3 videos with copyrighted music in them
and someone had to have reported the video
its not like fb employees go thru every single video thats uploaded and search for ways to annoy members. anyway back to the food
im thinking lasagna, but maybe not. ill just play videogames and forget about it
so its the weekend and we have a choir concert tomorrow which is gonna be beast because the percussionist has a gong. and that makes any song worth listening to. jj will and i are planning on doing a song for the talent show and have a special someone sing it but that someone hasnt even heard the song yet so idk how thats gonna play out. and will hasnt rly been with reality for the last 3 weeks so idk how thats gonna work out either. maybe jj and i can just play the song on bass and drums. u think ppl will like that?
no. they wont.
im gonna go find food now

Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I'm sitting at home with staples in my head and I just wanted some toast with butter, nothing too hard to find, right? Ok, A.D.D. moment, this is my first time getting staples so I thought it was some medical term for a type of stitch or something... I was wrong, they're actual staples put into my head with a staple gun. So back to the toast. I found rolls and a nice drink, but the only butter my parents have around is unsalted butter... now I get that unsalted butter's good for baking, but not for toast. My parents suggested that I just put salt on the butter, but everyone knows, THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT TASTE GOOD. So I had to go to the super market, walk up the aisle for butter and get strange looks from the cashier when I only returned with one stick of salted butter. It was completely worth it though. Unfortunately, while I was at the store my mind was so set on the butter, I forgot all the other useless crap I needed. woot woot