Monday, April 6, 2009


so this is dan and jack, here with......nobody...
kind of alone, noone loves us. its 830 at night and weve done no homework.

jack just came out of the bathroom stating, and i quote, "ohhh that was not one of my prouder moments"
ok now i'm here for real
ive been pondering on the nature of evil and ive decided it doesnt realy matter
how deep're truly the prophet of our generation
i verbally collapse under pressure.....BACON FRIBBLE
i love're truly the prophet of our generation
jack has a dream catcher in his room. if one likes dreams why wuld u want them caught in a stupid little thing of mesh that an alien immigrant posing as a native american decided to sell as a genuine artifact
i like meat and i also like it being that analogy doenst work. i like lots of things salmon and their little farms
i dont know how to respond to this so ill go on to another topic. and ill skip it because it was racist. next topic is springtime. its warm...kind of...
that's nice dan...i'm so glad i'm getting to see your more sentimental side...i really appreciate you talking to me frank like this, i think we're a stronger team because of it GO TEAM
speaking of franks jack and i are gonna sell hot dogs at the baseball games. to AUTISTIC CHILDREN
well actually we're selling WILD DOGS and i think we can extend our client base to people of all intelligence and age
i realize that weve gotten really inappropriate so i apologize to all our friends of faint heart. though if youre reading this and are insulted you should be doing something better with your time. like GROWING A PAIR
of what? elaborate, good friend. on a related note, elaborate sounds like borat which is the prequel to the new sasha cohen movie bruno, which looks amazing. "what about a man with two dildos"...pure genius
i guess? thats genius? on a related note, i rape small animals.
we all saw it coming. (pun?) on an even more related note, scooters. we all need them but will never admit it. or something like that
what about segways? nobody ever gives them credit but theres reputable science there. like a gyroscope. i almostmisspelled that. on a related note, segways kind of rhymes with egg paste.
wait wait wait. segways are completely over appreciated. they're the stupidest invention since the napkin shirt. the entire problem could be solved with a 4th grade level of math by adding a fucking wheel. really? really???
what if bread was sliced the other way? like long ways? it would be so much more inconvenient.
like when the escalators are broken.
or when theres always one more piece of banana string to be peeled away
god is a cruel and merciless leader. segueing (pun?) from all this religious mumbo jumbo, one of my venus fly traps died over the long winter. the other one is now regrowing and will hopefully grow back to its original glory
so the linguistisist (yes a tongue TORNADO) on the daily show sounds exactly like the guys from monty python. what country is that?
engerland? idk i'm not a linguistisist. or a linguist. or a lemur for that matter. they should try to migrate those little guys over to westchester. i think they'd improve our otherwise mundane landscape significantly and abundantly
nice adverbs.
thanks buddy
were gonna go.


don't leave me with him. all he does is talk about old war stories and encourage me to strip. it's kind of awkwarIUTSNOT TRUEd. like when the escalSTOPT YPINGators bSAY GOO DBYEreak. ok bye


  1. I still think that "mindblowing" should come after "sexy" on the scale of greatness.

  2. Lindy actually said...
    I still think dan and jack are the coolest best looking and hip dudes in the whole wide world
