Friday, December 11, 2009

finals week

i microwaved a waffle. that didn't work.

ive spent more time watching movies than studying

i broke my phone screen. again.

i took a 3 hour nap today after an hour lecture at 11:15 which i woke up for at 11. and MADE IT.

ive mastered the art of morning coffee in bed. it turns on at 7:50, my alarm goes off at 8 which is when it finishes, i wake up and pour it, maybe mix in some peppermint mocha creamer (all from my bed), and hit snooze. ten minutes later i wake up and drink some, hit snooze again. ten minutes later i drink more, hit snooze again, and then i wake up and finish it. by that time the caffeine kicks in and i get up! its perfect......almost....too......per*snipershot*OMG!OMG IM BLEEDING


  1. 1) you broke your screen again? seriously? what do you do to that phone

    2) that coffee idea is brilliant. i envy your genius

  2. ok im walking into the food court, the person in front of me goes through the turnstile and as i walk into it, the bar SLAMS into my leg, more specifically the part where my pocket lies. the screen was facing out and ever since there's been a spreading black line. its a 90 DOLLAR DEDUCTIBLE FROM THE INSURANCE. wtfffff life?

  3. This is life speaking. don't whine

  4. this is dan speaking. i do wut i want.
