Wednesday, May 13, 2009


so we're all in agreement that the school year is over. except for the sucky part that we have to get up early to do essentially nothing. as ben folds states, bitches aint shit. i think he means that even though life may be a bitch and make you worry about whats happening, you should just forget all your troubles. as timone states, when the world turns its back on you, YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON THE WORLD. ok moral sessions from dan are over.
so i kind of was hoping to have this summer free but im actually gonna be working alot. and i have to tell w that im quitting (for those of u who dont know, w is vineyard vines. vv. w. get it) cuz their hours suck and lifeguarding is sitting in a chair getting my tan. if i have to save anyone tho im quitting on the spot and letting someone else deal with it.
hes drowning! save him! "I QUIT!" please, he's my son!! he can't swim! "well maybe you shouldnt have taken him to a BEACH CLUB. ITS YOUR FAULT HES DROWNING AND HIS DEATH WILL FOREVER BE ON YOUR CONSCIENCE" please! please! (at this point my boss comes out) DAN! SAVE THE KID! "NO! i dont WANNA! ill get WET!" you're a lifeguard! (meanwhile the kid is unconscious) please help my son! you horrible person! DAN! GET IN THE WATER! "ITS WET AND I JUST PUT ON MY SUNSCREEN THERE HAS TO BE A TEN MINUTE DRY PERIOD BEFORE I GET WET OR THE SUNSCREEN WILL COME OFF AND ILL BURN!" DAN YOU NEED TO GET IN THE WATER AND SAVE THAT BOY!!!!! "NO! I QUIT! but im staying on the beach."

when life gives you lemons, you squeeze the juice into its eyes and make lemonade from its tears.
basically make a good situation as bad as it can get. well i guess you can always rape life but that might backfire somehow

so we performed a tenacious d song today (wonderboy) and all in all it could have gone worse. wasn't bad, but eugene's cord was frayed so his solo cut out and i kicked out all the plugs midsong. lol. oops. apparantly ppl liked it tho so thats good. prob the most fun ive had on stage it was awesome. and the last words at my last morning meeting that i said in front of the whole school were sexual (wonderboy's mighty juice isnt OJ). time for the showah. ill see u guys latah. maybe in an ele.....bye

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