Saturday, July 11, 2009

fears for college

so im gonna build a list of things im worried about in college cuz there have been a few things ive began to worry about and i just want to get them out there for therapeutic reasons. i hear that if you express your fears, the next step is just facing them like a man. so as much as this is hard to do, i'm going to write down everything that has me scared regarding my first year in college. here it goes:

1. that im not gonna have room for my ps3 and the screen on my desk. this WILL be traumatizing
2. that im gonna sleeptalk and sleepwalk the first night in my dorm and scare the shit out of my roommate
3. that i'll run my food plan credits dry and starve. this IS the middle of indiana here. how many pizza delivery services do you think they have
4. that i'll never wake up (not die, just keep sleeping because nobody cares enough to wake me up) and i figure alarm clocks will annoy my roommate so i just wont put him (or her...please....please god...) through it
5. that my roommate goes to bed before 1
6. that anyone in my building is opposed to loud music
7. that the internet is slow

if you guys have any to add, trust me, it helps to get it out there..


  1. OOOOOOOk so Your roommate is my best friend. he showed me this. Dont worry about him at all, kaleb's cool. ^^

  2. 8.that my roommate will ever post something on roommate confessions
    9.that my roommate will turn out like
    10.that I get a terrible RA, or that my roommate's an un-corruptible RA in training
