Wednesday, August 19, 2009

politics and...sugar ray...

a list of services that would be useful in the economic downturn:
1.debt solution center destruction services (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many commercials on the radio. if you havent heard.)
2. CEO-mart
3. suicide booths
4. a bank that doesnt declare bankruptcy
5. dumb executive slapping booths

so i was thinking... with this new health care plan scheduling our deaths, can we opt for an exciting way to die? like government hired assassins or my parachute just happening to be gone when I jump out of a plane? something exciting.. they could build a hollywood set where youre given any type of gun you want and you have a partner whos also gonna die so you both go into this set and people (hah..senators..hows that for subliminal) start shooting at you and you go out fighting (that part wasnt meant to be subliminal). itd be so much more exciting than dying in a hospital bed.

no but yeah the health care plan is a pretty good idea
for the most part
as long as it doesnt screw me over
lol so i guess itll be a bad idea in the end cuz i dont think the government is ever gonna come out with legislation thats not gonna screw me over til im about 65. then ill get a check in the mail. unless they scrap that idea too.

north korea is a bitch.
hugo chavez is a douche.
russia is still coming out with cool techno.
yayy world


apparantly britney spears is hot again
aah whoaa ooh ahh
so this concert series in stamford called alive at five is supposed to be cool right? wrong. jack and i went there at 7:30 on a saturday night and they wouldnt let us they close the thing to people under 21 after 7:00. because, you know, underage kids wait until after 7:00 to drink and smoke. its not like they have stuff outside of the concert. no way. they just CANT let them in I hate stamford special services I HATE THEM SO MUCHhhhhhh. it was sugar ray too. damn.
hold me
so jack and i went to dairy queen. like we do when were bored. i had a small chocolate cone with chocolate sprinkes (my usual) and he got a lemon lime slushy. hows that for an exciting night

apparantly britney spears is ugly again

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