Tuesday, June 1, 2010

food for thought

so (the word i probably most usually start a post with)
ive been extremely bored recently, being home and all with nothing to do other than drive around and get lots of coffee with friends. so i said to myself, what would dan do? this time i let myself down. i went to a bookstore. A BOOKSTORE. and didnt even buy an awesome book. i bought PLATO'S REPUBLIC. before i go any further, let me just say i know what youre all thinking. what the hell. i know. i thought the same thing as i was checking out, but i needed some kind of synapse stimulus so i went with this. and i have to say its quite the brain bender- the first chapter blew my mind and i came across a sentence at one point that i had to stare at for like 10 minutes. then i was like OMG. thats one of the more embarrassing moments but STILL. anyway ive found other things to do since. like AVATAR BLURAY. its awesome.
yeah i still dont have a job. it sucks. I WANT MONEY. money is good. i have a plan for money for next summer but unfortunately not this one. the stock market kind of blows cock recently too so thats a bust. guess i have to sell guns and drugs. i hear the biggest markets are california and jamaica (too soon?.......nahh) ba-doom-cha.
ok so here are my job options:
1. sell clothes at vineyard vines. again.
2. fill divots on a golf course for 20 hours a week
3. odd jobs on weekends for 12 bucks an hour
4. sell my body

numbers 2 and 3 are kind of my favorites but 4 is slowly creeping its way to the top. oh and most of those options are from craigslist. so they may just filter down to number 4 anyway...well see.
im thinking of getting an ipad. u know that new giant ipad touch? that half the world hates and half the world loves? well i dont "love" it but i think its pretty awesome. i mean imagine how convenient it would be when u go take a crap. YOU NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO ON YOUR PHONE ANYWAY. this should be a required installation in ever bathroom. you could check up on the news, watch iron man, buy a new album, all while ur....doing the do.do. hahh
another practical application would be to use it as a GIANT lighter at concerts and blow everyone else out of the park. cuz you have super zippo and they all have their pussy phones. suckers.
the next thing im about to say is going to gross a third of you out, make a third of you jealous, and the other third will just be indifferent. next semester, along with all my other classes, im signed up for freaking yoga. its gonna be awesome. cuz NO GUYS TAKE YOGA. probably for reasons ill discover later but still. thats in the bag. dunk and score. the eagle is in its nest. i stand proud, so you can take it or leave it. im gonna be a ninja soon enough so you better take it.


  1. somehow i'm unsurprised that you will be taking yoga. i feel like you would do such a shocking thing to do. on a sidenote, next concert you go to, find somebody's ipad and borrow it and bring it because waving around an ipad birthday cake instead of a mini phone is maybe the best idea i've ever heard. ever. EVER.
