Wednesday, September 15, 2010

some things to ponder

if i were a child axe murderer, would you still kidnap me?

if you were a kidnapper, wouldnt you be on the same team as a child axe murderer?

i have trouble looking at nature pictures ppl take in normal areas. like a bench. if you want to connect, then go outside.

we should invent something cooler than plates and cups. theyre too bland. something like an antigravitational forcefield that challenges us to glop up balls of liquid like in the movies. id enjoy eating so much more.

everything in life should be made of curves for one day. no straight lines. period.

clear paint is the most obvious idea ever.

they have compound nouns, but what about compound prepositions? ABOVETOTHERIGHTOF

have you ever smashed a coffee mug against the wall? no? you're a fatass.

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