Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Comparing Highschool to College

I realized that there are a lot of things that never change and a lot of things that do
Here's what I have so far

Highschool: "You know if we started school at 9 instead of 8 everyone would get much better grades, be healthier, and like life a lot more in general" "Oh definitely, all I want is an hour more to sleep"
College: "You know if we started school at 10 instead of 9 everyone would get much better grades, be healthier, and like life a lot more in general" "Oh definitely, all I want is an hour more to sleep"

Highschool: I'm too tired to go to school today. Mom, can you please call them and say I'm sick? I promise it's the last time...
College: *turns off alarm*

Highschool: Parties consist of 20-30 people hanging out at whoever has the biggest house.
College: Parties consist of 200 people crammed into a house not much bigger than my old room.

Highschool: My mom made me a healthy, delicious meal almost every day.
College: Easymac, Redbull, and ketchup are about 80% of my diet.

Highschool: Friending your grade on facebook is normal and even expected
College: "Did you hear about that guy who friended everyone?" "Ya what a creeper"

Highschool: If you're late to class, "I was talking with a teacher" works almost every time. If you forgot to print, "The tech center printer was down" works almost every time. If you don't do your homework, "I'll hand it in by the end of the day" works almost every time.
College: If you're late to class, you miss what you miss. If you forget to print, you get a 0. If you don't do your homework, you get a 0.

Highschool: If your teacher doesn't know your name after the first couple weeks, they get ridiculed.
College: If your teacher knows your name after the first couple weeks, you're that really obnoxious guy who keeps talking every single day in class (even though there are 100 other people) and won't shut up about what he already knows about the subject (like anyone cares). No one likes you. Especially the teacher. I'm talking about you, guy in my philosophy class who keeps mentioning that his dad works for the Human Genome Project and that it's "a very important project that benefits all of mankind."

Highschool: I think I witnessed one or two fights in my entire time in highschool.
College: A surprising number of people carry around brass knuckles and knives, and the University Police report armed robberies and muggings on an almost daily basis.

Highschool: The food sucks.

Highschool: There's a creepy kid who no one goes near.
College: There's a creepy kid who no one goes near.

Highschool: The more difficult the class is, the fewer hot girls there are.
College: The more difficult the classis, the fewer hot girls there are. Also, there are no hot girls in engineering, period. Actually that's not true, there are a few, but 2 or 3 out of a 200 person class is still a terrible ratio. I should've done creative writing...

Highschool: The bathrooms are pretty gross sometimes.
College: The bathrooms are ... so terrible.

Highschool: There's that random senior in a sophomore class.
College: There's that random 40 year old in a freshman seminar.

Highschool: Nurse's office gives free bandaids and stuff.
College: The health center gives free condoms.

Highschool: I had no idea who was on the football team or what position they played, but it wasn't a big deal.
College: I still have no idea who's on the football team or what position they play, and I get a lot of shit for it. Like a lot.

Highschool: Dances suck.
College: Dances suck.

Highschool: Binder checks.
College: Ha, right.

Highschool: Movies played in school couldn't be more than PG-13 and usually had to be preapproved.
College: They played I Love You, Man the first week and it made me so happy.

Highschool: Macs everywhere.
College: Only about 10% of people have Macs, and Linux finally has a legit market share.

Highschool: Despite hearing "I won't pay for Starbucks, those overpriced capitalist sellouts" all the time, everyone goes there anyway.
College: Starbucks got kicked off campus.

Highschool: Kids who wanted to get political joined clubs like the Progressive Political Club and Model UN. These clubs were reasonable and usually intelligent.
College: Kids who want to get political insist that everything everyone before them has done is wrong and start groups like "Obama Is Hitler" and the "Socialist Club" and spend hours spouting ridiculous opinions on the street and handing out flyers that no one wants or cares about. My favorite, though, is the group that spent 3 days in the rain displaying huge posters of unborn fetuses in the middle of the most popular quad, trying to convince everyone that abortion is wrong. That's like showing gross pictures of heart surgery and saying "look, heart surgery is wrong!" It makes me appreciate that annoying old highschool rule that all clubs have to have a teacher chaperone so much more.


  1. This is absolutly amazing.
    I would like to comment specifically about THAT KID who friended everyone on facebook before arriving. Legit EVERYONE.

    Now, when we see him around, we say "I spy..."
    It's become a game of who can see him more.


    i love youandmisyourface!!

  3. damn right. Creative Writing is where it's at!

    and yeah i agree with the other stuff here too.
