Monday, October 5, 2009

Who's in college? I'm in college.

I'm officially settled in at college. woot
Everything is fantastic (obviously), especially all the free time. My favorite realization so far, however, is that because there are 15,000 undergraduate girls, I can make 14,999 mistakes and still have options. There are about 180 (maybe?) school days this year, so I can approach and inappropriately hit on approximately 83 girls a day. While this is an ambitious goal, I feel up to the challenge. I encourage you fellow college students to adopt a similar philosophy and spread the love/potential restraining orders.
On a related note, I have an absurdly hot philosophy TA, but I think she's about 27 or 28. Pray for me nightly? Please?
On a completely unrelated note, I've hung a poster of Kurt Cobain rocking out above my bed and I feel instantly inspired each morning.

Fun fact: Yesterday was the first time I met a jerk on campus. He was one of the most socially inept people I've ever met (and I hang out with Dan...). To give you an idea, he tried to get into an argument with me on a Saturday night about how the Java compiler he used was better than mine. Seriously? He made me sad because until then I hadn't met anyone I didn't like. Except the bouncer at that house party. He was a dick. But anyway, I'm genuinely surprised and pleased at how nice everyone is. It's also really funny because every time I mention I'm from New York (which is sort of an anomaly here), people actually ask "How come you're not a jerk?" Is that a compliment or an insult? I'm not sure...

To end on an extremely happy note, the Safeway near me sells "variety packs" that have fruit rollups, gushers, and fruit by the foots in them. Ya.


  1. hahaha
    im only 73% socially inept. the rest of me is completely retarded. and by "bouncer" im assuming you mean a unjustifiedly confident senior who was just accepted into that house's group of friends whose only motive for befriending the guy is to use his asset of "brawn" to keep hordes of freshman guys out of parties. i hold no grudges.

  2. on a related note i enjoy fruit rollups
