Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
neo-philosophy (you'll get it)
Will It Blend? Yes! Unless you have any inkling of faith in humanity, in which case no. Which is paradoxical because as soon as you realize you can't have that strawberry banana smoothie you've been looking forward to because your blender doesn't have the torque to chop ice, you begin to lose complete faith in the existence and continuation of the human species, at which point the blender will start working, but you won't be in the mood. so if you're PLANNING on buying a blender, expect to contemplate suicide within a week of opening the box.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
some things to ponder
if you were a kidnapper, wouldnt you be on the same team as a child axe murderer?
i have trouble looking at nature pictures ppl take in normal areas. like a bench. if you want to connect, then go outside.
we should invent something cooler than plates and cups. theyre too bland. something like an antigravitational forcefield that challenges us to glop up balls of liquid like in the movies. id enjoy eating so much more.
everything in life should be made of curves for one day. no straight lines. period.
clear paint is the most obvious idea ever.
they have compound nouns, but what about compound prepositions? ABOVETOTHERIGHTOF
have you ever smashed a coffee mug against the wall? no? you're a fatass.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
september 11th
many of my classes are OBSCENELY complicated in the sense that every time i try to figure out what FREAKISHLY large textbook i need to read, i get into an APOCALYPTICALLY MUNDANE chapter and then realize, wait a minute im supposed to be working from the lab manual, not the textbook. then i sort of DIE a little inside. but alls fair in love and war. wait until my teachers find out that I'm actually a course evaluator and have direct influence on their pension. now who's laughing, bitch?
i reorganized my room so that my bed directly faces the screen. so now i can...do homework...and stuff.. from my bed! eureka. i also moved the wine to my nightstand. EUREKA!
you may have noticed the slight change of theme in the blog. google has new themes so i looked through and saw nature stuff and i think to myself aww nature what a bunch of pussy themes. then it relaxed me and now its rainy on the website. speaking of rain, bloomington(where i live) hasnt gotten rain in a month until lastnight. i dont understand. they call it a drought but i think that the world is finally cracking down on its exercise routine. ever heard of a crash diet? well mother earth is finally blasting the flab. it's not global warming, people. it's simply good discipline.
my mom sent me a rug in the mail. and im glad she did because its super fluffy. i just dont usually think of carpets as the first thing you would send a college student. i usually think of videogames, alcohol, maybe cooking supplies (not food, just like pots and pans. its actually a problem when you first move into an apartment..), and of course candy. rugs? definitely loved but not expected.
i got an ipod. finally. ive had a nano but its terrifically annoying when i want to listen to a song from it and its not there. or when the battery runs out because ive had it for so long. so i spent the money and got a new one and now im pulling it out of my pocket to change from chopin to beastie boys simply to enjoy the complete random obscure change in genre, something i didn't have, and at the same time hoping someone would see me with a new ipod. but every time i do that i come to the same sad realization that im so behind the 8 ball in getting an ipod that everyone has one and is used to it. well you know what i have to say to that? mine's better, world. suck it.
i started to have quizzes this week. and you know what i say about quizzes.
fuck em.
i got into my yoga class and as hard it is to say that in text without sounding gay, im happy about it. cuz its before my classes and its like when you wake up from a nap and have an epic stretch, extended over the timespan of an hour. of course theyre gonna start making it harder so that'll suck, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
for now, alveedozay. enjoy the nature scene template.
dan. (russell.)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
day before classes
There have been ALOT of parties the last couple days. Unlike my position a year ago, I know people now and there isnt enough time to go to all the parties. This is a good thing. At the present moment, however, I have piles of books at my feet waiting to be opened tomorrow. Damn
This year I decided to feng shui the crap out of my room. Fortunately I killed two birds with one relatively inexpensive stone cuz really all i had to do was buy some deliciously smelling things at Target and Bed Bath and Kitchen (That's really all the beyond part is, really.) and candles. So while im extremely relaxed and drinking from the wine decanter that I also bought under the facade of being feng shui but really just because I've wanted a wine decanter since I read jack's parents Wine Enthusiast magazine, I can easily bring a hotass girl back and have an awesomely sexual evening. Boom. Beat that, martha stewart.
One shortfall of having candles in your room. actually two. one is it's illegal, and two, if you're leaving your room quickly and you blow out a macintosh spice yankee candle then grab your laptop forgetting there are still wires connected, you WILL knock the candle off your desk and you WILL spray hot, red wax all over your wall, dresser, and those fancy expensive headphones you bought just to enjoy and then take back before the return policy expires. the best part about that is that the building is new and at the end of the year they're gonna inspect my wall and think i killed someone. but i guess whats done is done
im still on the waitlist for yoga. but im going anyway.
im getting surprisingly good at cooking. ive actually looked up recipes- for example, the other day i found a delicious looking recipe for chicken, went to the STORE to pick up the ingredients i didnt have, then MADE IT and it tasted DELICIOUS. that being said itd be nice to have a servant/woman.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
food for thought
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
my autobiography
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

if you saw this on the street, you had better hope you're walking because if it were me, I'd be landing in the back of the ford fiesta stopped at the light in front of me cuz i was staring. a car should flow from the front to back in a (pardon the descriptive narration) single stroke of the designer's brush. not even kidding. take a pencil and race it across a paper. now do it slowly. the slower line makes it look like you just developed a horrible case of parkinsons... when the companies try to make everything perfect for everyone to like and that everyone will go for, you end up sitting in a car and thinking "this is nothing new". If you've ever rented a car you definitely know what im talking about. nothing feels right. or comfortable. my dad had to get a loaner when the mustang was in the shop. it ended up being the equivalent of what the evil fat assistant robot in transformers 2 would shit. clumsy, ugly, didn't drive right, there were blind spots everywhere so i pissed off several people on the road. needless to say i abused the fucking thing. my point is that you should enjoy seeing a car and being inside of it. it should be an experience.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
its morning.
Seeing that my clock says 7:35 and not any other possible combination of those numbers, it has to be morning. Which sucks. Well I guess except 7:55. Which would be better actually no that would mean im late. Here I am sitting at my desk listening to lynyrd skynrd, which is way too hip for this early, eating my toast and not working. For the first time in a long time. A LONG FUCKING TIME. like, i cant stress how long its been since ive sat and not worked. i usually "not work" while in a strange or exotic pose, such as those found in karate kid. ohh tuesdays gone just came on. i have happy gilmore flashbacks every time i hear this song. its at the end when happy sees the ghost of the only guy that died in the film. who just happened to be black. so i was up lastnight studying for a midterm i have this morning and for midterms i have on thursday and friday, ignoring the one i have tomorrow at 8 in the morning along with the fact that i have a paper due at 1:00 which i havent startTHIS IS RUINING MY MORNING RELAXATION TOAST TIME
so spring break is coming up and i am super excited. whos excited? this guy. im even leaving a day early because airfare was cheaper on friday than saturday. my moms like can you leave im like hell yeahz. i was like that. just like that. almost.........too like that.... i digress pointlessly
i have 2 minutes to leave. i havent gotten dressed. maybe ill grace my econ professor with my flannel pants and class of 09 shirt. maybe ill even throw some uggs in there. you know what? im going to. and green sunglasses. im shakin things up around here. its time they get a taste of what I can dan russell....yeah thats all ive got. well its my name so its appropriate. ill add a spice to the end to make it sound exciting and fresh. dan russell jalapeno. except you have to say jalapeno like al pacino would say it as scarface. a dummed down version that sounds like he has a cold..."hallapenno" except with fervor and subtle hints of the possibility everyone in the room is on the verge of losing their lives. omg im late. whatever its review and ive got at least the first half of the semester down pat. like a pancake. i dont kno what that means. please dont judge you know what go ahead and judge me. go ahead. i dare you. i dont dare you. cuz then you might come to a conclusion i dont like and when i come back with full clarity of mind i wont remember this and ill be confused as to why you dont like me anymore. okay time to go
Thursday, February 25, 2010
hated people
Monday, February 22, 2010
drum faces